Extended Family is excited to have recently hired a Program Development Coordinator, Dr. Tiffany Sayles, who joined our team in December.  Among her many duties, Tiffany will be updating and expanding the Resource Database on our website, www.extendedfamilyhelp.org.

Our Resource Database is comprised of approved community and faith-based organizations who offer services, programs, and support to families struggling with the incarceration of a loved one.  We have visitors to our website from across the nation and we strive to offer information that is available to each in their local community.  We rely on the help of those familiar with local organizations to send us information to include on our list.  Having the information available in a central location helps families find the help they need quickly, reducing stress during a difficult time.

Please visit our website and explore the Resource Database.  If you are aware of a social services agency that would be beneficial for family members of prisoners that is not already listed on our database, use the link on the Resource Database page to submit a resource.  We review each submission before adding it to our list.  If you have questions about submitting an agency or concerns about an entry, please email Tiffany@extendedfamilyhelp.org.

We are excited to be growing our team and expanding our reach to families who need us, wherever they are.  We could not do all that we are doing without the continued support of our many partners, individuals and organizations who share our commitment to preventing children from entering the juvenile justice system, reducing the rate of recidivism among adult and youth returned citizens (those who have been released from jail or prison), breaking the cycle of incarceration in families, and working to create a safer world that is free of crime.  Together, we are fulfilling our mission “To offer help and inspire hope,” one family at a time.

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