Extended Family is privileged to have the opportunity to provide programs and services for families of the incarcerated and to uphold one of our most cherished values, “Our Purpose is the purpose,” which simply means that everything we do involves teaching families of prisoners to successfully adjust to a new way of life.  We show this value by providing educational programming, conducting and sharing research, and reporting on best practices for living a healthy lifestyle throughout the prison experience for each member of the family. 

The incarceration of a loved one affects family members physically, mentally, and emotionally.  Families dealing with the incarceration of a loved one struggle with poverty, food insecurity, and sometimes homelessness.  Mentally, family members, even the children, can experience “Spoiled Identity,” a term coined by Kate Luther in her 2016 Journal Article “Stigma Management among Children of Incarcerated Parents,” which she uses to describe how children of the incarcerated often see themselves.  And, sometimes, most devastating is the tendency for children of the incarcerated to blame themselves.  Our programs teach healthy lifestyle choices so every family member can improve their quality of life emotionally, mentally, and physically. 

Extended Family programs are designed to build self-esteem, ease feelings of shame, ease isolation, decrease stress, address anger issues, and strengthen communication skills.  By staying focused on our Purpose, we are helping families of prisoners, including the children, lead healthy and successful lives on the outside while their loved ones are incarcerated. When people make good choices, they break the cycle of incarceration in their family.  When we successfully help strengthen families, our communities become stronger and safer.

To learn more about Extended Family, our programs, and how to help us achieve our Purpose, visit us on Facebook or on our website at www.extendedfamilyhelp.org.

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