Registration is now open for Extended Family for Kids (EFK) Program Leader Training, scheduled for Tuesday, August 27, in Florence, Alabama. This training, which is hosted by Big Brothers Big Sisters, is open to adults who work with children and have a current affiliation with a school, community-based, or faith-based organization that maintains good child practices. Extended Family for Kids is an evidence-based, nine lesson curriculum designed for children in grades kindergarten through 12th with any loved one incarcerated.
One of the greatest aspects of EFK leader training is that, at the completion of the seven-hour training, participants are ready to begin leading groups immediately. EFK lesson handouts are included in the curriculum guide. The only additional supplies needed are regular school supplies (pens, markers, paper, etc.) No future licensing or recertification is required.
According to the latest available report from the U.S. Department of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1 in 28 children have an incarcerated parent at any given time, with 1 in 15 children experiencing the incarceration of a parent at some point during their childhood. Incarceration affects families in every community, and EFK provides a solution for the children who live with the shame and shared stigma that accompanies a family member’s incarceration.
More details about the August 27 EFK Program Leader Training are available on our website, Registration is available online and is being offered at the discounted rate of $50 per person. This training project was supported by Subgrant #2024-JF-C1-56 awarded by the Law Enforcement/Traffic Safety Division of ADECA and the U.S. Department of Justice. The deadline to register is August 16.
Registration includes training from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. with breakfast and lunch provided, the Extended Family for Kids Curriculum Guide, all training supplies, EFK leader t-shirt, and a certificate of completion. Some schools and agencies provide professional development credits for EFK Leader Training.
Come learn how to help children affected by the incarceration of a loved one. EFK teaches students how to make healthy lifestyle choices, so they can improve their quality of life emotionally, mentally, and physically. For more information about EFK Leader Training, visit our website or email questions to