Happy New Year from Extended Family!  As the new year quickly approaches, many people’s thoughts turn to new year’s resolutions, a blend of goals and hopes mixed with plans for self-improvement, an overview of our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. One of our Extended Leadership Academy (ELA) presenters, JSU Softball Coach Jana McGinnis, talks with Our Kids about life choices and resolutions they can make every day, not just at the beginning of the new year.

Jana’s lesson begins by asking, “Who is on your team?”  It is no accident that successful people surround themselves with others who share their goals for success (remember the saying, “Birds of a feather flock together”?) so choosing the right team members is an integral part of being successful.  She follows this important first step toward success by sharing with students this simple idea – control the things you can control.

Jana teaches with specific examples three things you can always control – your attitude, your effort, and what you will and will not put into your body.  She emphasizes to Our Kids that, regardless of what is going on at home or at school, they always have choices about how they react (hopefully in ways that won’t get them into trouble), how hard they are willing to work to succeed, and thousands of other small daily decisions, like whether or not to try drugs or alcohol, or even vaping.  Jana concludes that by taking control of these three things, students can enjoy a successful future, despite whatever trauma they may experience in life.

Jana concludes by telling Our Kids that every day they wake up is a new beginning and a new chance to choose success in relationships, choices, and life.  The great thing about life is that every person has this same opportunity every day, not just at the beginning of the new year!

Consider these things as you make your New Year’s Resolutions to become the best version of yourself!  For more great tips or for more information about Extended Family programs, visit our website at www.extendedfamilyhelp.org.

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