Extended Family invites you to join us for our Annual Celebration of Life on Saturday, February 3, 2024! Come enjoy an evening of delicious food, wonderful entertainment provided by Worth the Wait, and meet some of Our Kids who are all grown up now and will be back to share their success stories during the celebration.
We are so excited to celebrate 20 years of success with you, our most avid supporters, at this very special Celebration of Life! We will be sharing more information about this exciting event in the coming weeks, including how to reserve seats to join us as we remember our mission, to “Offer Help and Inspire Hope.”
We would love to hear your stories from your experiences with Extended Family over the years! If you have memories to share, please email Daphne Rogers, daphne@extendedfamilyhelp.org. We have been privileged to be a part of so many communities and afforded the opportunity to touch so many lives through the years. Our Annual Celebration of Life also gives us the opportunity to meet our supporters and thank each one personally – we hope you will be able to join us!
Please save the date and watch for more information on our website as our Annual Celebration of Life draws nearer, www.extendedfamilyhelp.org. Together, we are celebrating 20 years of changing lives, one child at a time!