Recently, the website has run several articles on an under-served segment of our population, the families of prisoners.  Not only do these families need support while their loved one is incarcerated, they sometimes need even more support when that loved one returns home.  Extended Family recognizes that need and addressed it in a recent interview with Ana Gascon Ivey in the article, “Support and Resources for People Who Are Formerly Incarcerated.”

Laure Clemons founded Extended Family twenty years ago when her husband, Jerry, was incarcerated.  She and her daughters had struggled during the six years he was in prison, and were surprised by how their family dynamic changed when Jerry returned home.  In the article, Laure and Jerry discussed several important elements of restoring relationships within the family after incarceration, including patience in seeking forgiveness, flexibility in restructuring the roles of each family member, and resiliency in setting and achieving new goals in family, work, and personal growth.

Extended Family is proud to serve families who have a loved one who is incarcerated and to help returning citizens find success in a new normal.  Jerry and Laure Clemons serve as a constant reminder that it is possible after incarceration to rebuild relationships and grow closer together over time.  Through Extended Family, they model positive qualities and behaviors for others who are navigating life after prison.

The Extended Family website,, maintains a Resource Database, which to date lists nearly 300 agencies which provide information to families dealing with every stage of having a loved one incarcerated, from the initial separation to the reunification with the family.  Find information on resources for physical needs such as housing and jobs for the returning citizen and emotional needs like mental health therapy or substance recovery.

The article reminds families that reunification after incarceration produces several emotions, both positive and negative, as well as mental health issues, including post-incarceration syndrome for the returning citizen, which includes symptoms like anxiety, depression, and PTSD.  Restoring relationships with family and friends takes patience and time, but Extended Family is here to help!  Reach out to us on our website, on Facebook, or by calling 256-927-7997 or 256-927-3038 for more information.  Read Ms. Ivey’s full article @

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