For Kids - Kids Workshop
Extended Family for Kids Workshops are for groups of 10 or more. Agenda and costs are listed below. To schedule a workshop in your area, call 256-927-3038, or e-mail
What types of Extended Family for Kids Workshops are available?
The Extended Family for Kids Program Leader Training Workshop is best for those wanting to start and lead EFK progams in their schools or communities.
What can I expect from an Introduction to Extended Family for Kids Workshop?
Introduction to Extended Family for Kids Workshop
- This condensed, informational training (1.5 hours) is perfect for conference presentations, community awareness meetings, and child advocacy training.
- Attendees experience several, but not all, of the EFK sessions.
- The impact of incarceration on the family and the need for support is highlighted.
- Attendees may receive professional Continuing Education Credits.
- The EFK Curriculum Guide is not included in the Introduction to EFK Workshop.
- Cost: $500 honorarium (up to 50 workshop attendees) plus travel costs.
What materials are included in the Introduction to Extended Family for Kids Workshop?
- Participants’ supplies, including information on Extended Family for Kids, individual session handouts, and activity supplies
- Workshop visual presentations via PowerPoint and other demonstrations
- Workshop will be taught by Extended Family for Kids founder and author, Laure Clemons. In 2007, Laure created and then led the Extended Family for Kids model program at Summerville Middle School, Summerville, Ga. She has since led hundreds of students through the EFK programs. Laure has been a guest on radio and television programs, gone into prisons to speak to inmates, and been a featured speaker at professional conferences. Laure teaches Extended Family for Kids Workshops at state and national levels.
What can I expect in an Extended Family for Kids Program Leader Training Workshop?
Extended Family for Kids Program Leader Training Workshop
- This one-day workshop (6 hours), will train future EFK Program Leaders in how to start and lead their own Extended Family for Kids programs.
- The EFK Training Workshop includes the Extended Family for Kids Curriculum Guide.
- Attendees experience all nine EFK sessions in hands-on activities, and are ready to start their own EFK programs after completing this training.
- Workshop graduates can receive professional Continuing Education Credits.
- Workshops must have a minimum of 10 participants. Host organizations with 30 workshop attendees or more – call 256-927-3038 or e-mail to discuss discounted workshop rates.
- Cost: $350 per workshop participant (includes all of the materials listed below, including the Extended Family for Kids Curriculum Guide.)
What is included in the Extended Family for Kids Program Leader Training Workshop?
- Extended Family for Kids Curriculum Guide ($200 value) for each participant, which includes detailed program leader instructions, session activities and handouts, evaluation Feedback Forms, sample letters to parents and guardians, and more.
- Participants’ supplies for the nine sessions taught, including an information packet on Extended Family for Kids, individual session handouts, and activity supplies
- Extended Family for Kids Program Leader T-shirt
- Extended Family for Kids Program Leader certificate for each participant
- Workshop visual presentations via PowerPoint and other demonstrations
- Workshop will be taught by Extended Family for Kids founder and author, Laure Clemons. In 2007, Laure created and then led the Extended Family for Kids model program at Summerville Middle School, Summerville, Ga. She has since led hundreds of students through the EFK programs. Laure has been a guest on radio and television programs, gone into prisons to speak to inmates, and been a featured speaker at professional conferences. Laure is currently writing a book to guide other families through the prison experience, and continues to teach Extended Family for Kids Workshops at state and national levels.
What are the benefits of the Extended Family for Kids Program Leader Training Workshop?
- Try out the same activities your EFK group will experience under your leadership
- Practice effective ways of communicating the need for EFK to administrators, parents, and educators
- Receive customized instruction on starting and leading EFK groups for the specific needs of your community
- Learn how to implement the program in many types organizations with flexible schedules
- Meet others who are starting and leading EFK workshops in your state
- Earn Continuing Education Credits for your professional development
Who should attend an Extended Family for Kids Workshop?
Anyone interested in working with children of the incarcerated will benefit from an EFK Workshop.
The Introduction to Extended Family for Kids Workshop should be attended by those who want to learn more about EFK before committing to start a program. It is also beneficial for anyone working with the incarcerated or their families, including attorneys, law enforcement, and child advocacy agencies. They will gain a new understanding of children of the incarcerated and effective ways to work with them.
The Extended Family for Kids Program Leader Training Workshop provides attendees everything needed to start a program, including the Extended Family for Kids Curriculum Guide (a $200 value.) The Curriculum Guide includes instructions on ways to start an Extended Family for Kids group, sample letters to parents, session instructions for the nine EFK lessons, handouts, Feedback Forms, and more.
What else do I need to know about EFK Workshops?
Introduction to EFK Workshops are 1.5 to 2 hours in length. They are conducted at a location chosen by the host. The Introduction to EFK Workshop is a great addition to any conference. It is fun, interactive, and unique.
EFK Program Leader Training Workshops are conducted from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m., with a one hour break for lunch. Participants can be on their own for lunch, or the host of the Workshop can provide lunch. The EFK Training Workshop host provides the Workshop location – usually a conference room or classroom big enough to accommodate participants. Tables or desks are needed to complete the workshop activities. A large screen and projector is required for the PowerPoint presentation, which is an integral part of the training.
Extended Family for Kids Workshops are for groups of 10 or more. To schedule a workshop in your area, call 256-927-3038, or e-mail
Extended Family for Kids, © 2008 Extended Family

From Mental Health Coordinator Tanya Ragan on EFK Training Workshop

As a counselor with 15 years of experience in the mental health and school-related fields, I have been very impressed with the content and presentation of each session of Extended Family for Kids.
In July 2015 I attended an EFK Training Workshop with Cherokee County, Alabama school counselors. All I can say is, “Wow!” Who knew we would have so much fun while learning how to help this special group of kids.
Getting to try out the EFK activities for ourselves was enlightening. Our instructor, Laure Clemons, was passionate and knowledgable. Every one of us felt this was a day well spent, and we earned our Continuing Education Credits too.
EFK programs have been in my schools since 2014. I have seen the lasting impression that this small group has had on my students. The content is fun, and all kids have been engaged in the group activities. Each activity is developmentally appropriate.
The kids that have participated in this group look forward to each group meeting, and I have seen behavioral changes take place in these kids. Every time I see an Extended Family for Kids student in the hall, they whisper to me, “It’s not your fault.”
These children learned that they are not to blame for their parent’s behaviors and that they can overcome the stigmas of having a parent incarcerted.
This program will change the lives of young people for generations.
Etowah County Schools. AL