Adults who work with at-risk kids share a common interest in finding solutions for kids coping with the incarceration of a loved one or other family disruption, like divorce or a death in the family.  Extended Family for Kids Leader Training provides tools for kids coping with stress, anger, and more.  If you work with children who are facing challenging situations, join us for Extended Family for Kids Leader Training in Gadsden, Wednesday, November 6, hosted by the Etowah County Board of Education.

Extended Family for Kids (EFK) is an evidence-based, 9-lesson curriculum for students in grades K-12 with any loved one who is or has been incarcerated, or for children who have been identified as at-risk. EFK teaches students how to make healthy lifestyle choices so they can improve their quality of life emotionally, mentally, and physically. EFK Lessons build self-esteem, ease feelings of shame, ease isolation, decrease stress, address anger issues, and strengthen communication skills. In this Training you will experience all 9 Lessons of Extended Family for Kids, hands-on. With the EFK Curriculum Guide provided in the Training, you will be fully prepared to start your own EFK Program Group!

In addition to school administrators, counselors, teachers, and other staff, EFK Leader Training is beneficial to other adults who work with at-risk students, including School Resource Officers, community resource agency staff and volunteers, Children’s Policy members, Child Protective Services workers, counselors in private practice, Juvenile Probation Officers, and others working in law enforcement with children.  This is our last scheduled EFK Leader Training for the year, don’t miss out on your chance to learn new skills to benefit the children you serve!

Registration is easy!  Simply email the message, “I want to register for EFK Training Nov. 6, Gadsden,” or register online through the link

Training participants receive the Extended Family for Kids Curriculum Guide, supplemental EFK information packet, handouts, and Training activity supplies, everything needed to begin leading an EFK group immediately.  Graduates of this one-day training receive an EFK Program Leader Certificate of Completion and Program Leader shirt. No additional licensing or annual renewal fees are required.

Registration closes Friday, November 1.  This Training project was supported by Subgrant #2024-JF-C1-56 awarded by the Law Enforcement/Traffic Safety Division of ADECA and the U.S. Department of Justice.  Gain new skills to change the lives of a child by joining us for Extended Family for Kids Program Leader Training!

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