EFK-ELA Online Enrollment Form

This is the Online Enrollment Form for in-person and virtual Extended Family for Kids and Extended Leadership Academy. Both programs are FREE to students grades K-12.

Extended Family for Kids (EFK) is a small group program for students with a loved one in jail or prison. EFK’s 9 lessons help students increase self-esteem, handle stress and anger without getting into trouble, and make good choices for themselves today and in the future. EFK Groups are led by a trained EFK Program Leader.

Extended Leadership Academy (ELA) is the second step for EFK students. If your student has completed Extended Family for Kids and is ready for personal leadership lessons, you can enroll them for ELA using this Form. ELA’s 18 Lessons give students tools needed to live out our motto, “Lead Yourself”. We cover topics related to Job Readiness, Health, and Communication.

Enroll Now Using The Form Below:

"*" indicates required fields

Student's Information

Student Name*
Student Date of Birth*

Parent / Guardian Information

Parent / Guardian Name*

Enrollment Information

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.