Extended Family helps hundreds of people each year who have a loved one who is incarcerated. One of the ways we do this is by maintaining a current Resource Database, a list of community and faith-based agencies across the country that offer services for families of prisoners. We understand the mental, physical, and emotional stress the family experiences when their loved one is absent. In addition to the physical absence, families struggle with many other issues, including financial uncertainty, the stress of navigating the prison system, and courtesy stigma, the transference of the reputation of the convicted individual to the innocent family members.
In these times of crisis, family members need help from their communities to cope and adjust. Sometimes, families are not even aware of what services are available to help them. This is what makes Extended Family’s online Resource Database a crucial first step in helping families to find the help they need to begin to heal.
Our Resource Database is easy to use and enables family members to find local assistance any time. We invite you to visit our Resource Database at www.extendedfamilyhelp.org. Our goal is to offer complete and accurate information for the services available in every community across the nation. If you are aware of an agency or organization that is not included on our Resource Database, you may click the “Join our Resource Database” button to add information. We carefully screen each organization before including them on our website as part of our commitment to excellence.
Extended Family is grateful to all of our supporters who work together with us to reach the families of the incarcerated, an underserved segment of our society. Maintaining and expanding our Resource Database is just one way we fulfill our mission, “To offer help and inspire hope,” one family at a time.